Call for Doctoral Symposium Submissions


This symposium aims to provide the always-required cross-fertilization of ideas and experiences among students in the field covered by the three joint conferences. The symposium also helps participants to establish a new research and social network of their peers in the field of their research. It is another way for PhD students to actively participate in three major conferences at the same time.

The symposium is actually organized around two events:

  • A doctoral symposium for PhD students that have already developed solutions
  • A PhD student workshop for early PhD students

Accepted papers will be published online and authors will retain copyright.


The technical scope of the doctoral symposium and PhD student workshop is the conjunction of ECMFA, ECOOP and ECSA 2013 scopes, with themes such as languages, modelling, processes, environments and tools, methods and programming/modelling paradigms, execution, concurrent parallel and distributed systems, evolution, analysis validation and verification.

Selection Process

Submissions will be reviewed by at least three members of the program committee using the following criteria:

  • Technical quality of the submission, e.g., clarity, precision and adequacy of the problem statement, related work, self-contained solution description, expected results and their evaluation plan.
  • Overall quality, including originality of the submission, novelty of the research approach, and relevance to one of the three conferences

Important Dates

Abstract and Letter of Recommendation Submission : April 18, 2013 11:59pm American Samoa time (extended, firm)
Notification of decision on papers: May 17, 2013 (extended)
Camera-ready paper due: Jun 12, 2013 (extended)
Doctoral Symposium: July 1-2, 2013 (afternoon of 1st, morning of 2nd)

Doctoral Symposium

The goal of the doctoral symposium session is to provide PhD students with useful feedback towards the successful completion of their dissertation research. Students will be able to present their research goal, methods and preliminary results.

Each student is assigned an academic panel, based on the specifics of that student's research. The student will give a presentation of 15-20 minutes (exact time will be announced later), followed by 15-20 minutes of questions and feedback. The experience is meant to mimic a "mini-"defence interview. Aside from the actual feedback, this helps the student gain familiarity with the style and mechanics of such an interview.

To participate, the students should be far enough in their research to be able to present:

  • the importance of the problem,
  • a clear research proposal,
  • some preliminary work/results,
  • an evaluation plan.

The students should still have at least 6 months before defending their dissertation.

To participate, please submit in the Doctoral Symposium category at:

  • a 3-4 page abstract in the llncs format,
  • a letter from your advisor. This letter should include an assessment of the current status of your dissertation research and an expected date for dissertation submission. The recommendation letter should be submitted directly by the advisors (on the specific Advisor category) and should include the submission number of the paper.

The abstract should focus on the following:

  1. problem description:
    • what is the problem?
    • what is the significance of this problem?
    • why the current state of the art can not solve this problem?
  2. goal statement:
    • what is the goal of your research?
    • what artefacts (tools, theories, methods) will be produced, and how do they address the stated problem? How are the artefacts going to help reach the stated goal?
  3. method:
    • what experiments, prototypes, or studies need to be produced/executed?
    • what is the validation strategy? How will it demonstrate that the goal was reached?

Note that this is not a typical technical paper submission, and that the focus is not on technical details, but rather on research method.

PhD Students Workshop

This session is addressed primarily to PhD students in the early stages of their PhD work. The goal is to allow participants to present their research ideas and obtain feedback from the audience including domain experts. Each participant will give a 10-15 minute presentation, followed by 10-15 minutes of discussions (exact times will be announced later).

To participate, please submit to the PhD Students category at:

  • 6-10 page position paper in the llncs format, presenting your idea or current work;
  • a support letter from your advisor. The recommendation letter should be submitted directly by the advisors (on the specific Advisor category) and should include the submission number of the paper.

The position paper should contain (at least):

  • a problem description;
  • a detailed sketch of a proposed approach;
  • related work.

As this is earlier-stage research, it is not necessary to have concrete results from this research presented in the paper. Instead, the goal of the paper is to inform the reader of a (well-motivated) problem and to present a high level (possible) solution.

Doctoral Symposium Chairs

Mireille Blay-FornarinoThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and Philippe ColletThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , Université de Nice - France

Scientific Committee

Nicolas Anquetil, Université Lille 1 - France
Alexandre Bergel, University of Chile - Chile
Ekkart Kindler, Technical University of Denmark, DTU Compute - Denmark
Patricia Lago, VU University Amsterdam - Netherlands
Henry Muccini, University of L'Aquila - Italy
Eila Ovaska, VTT - Finland
Claudia Raibulet, University of Milano-Bicocca - Italy
Arend Rensink, University of Twente - Netherlands
Daniel Varró, Budapest University of Technology and Economics - Hungary

Academic Panel