Conference Programme
Room assignment is now available (see below).
Day | Schedule | Main Conference | ECOOP Summer School Room: Joffre B |
Wednesday, July 3 | |||
8:00-9:00 | Registration | ||
9:00-10:15 | Welcome & Keynote: Pat Hanrahan, Stanford University, USA Room: Antigone1 |
10:15-10:45 | Break | ||
10:45-12:15 | Session 1: Aspects, Components, and Modularity Chair: Erik Ernst Room: Antigone1 |
One VM to rule them all. |
12:15-12:45 | Artifacts and Best Paper Awards Room: Antigone1 |
12:45-14:15 | Lunch Break | ||
14:15-15:45 | Session 2: Types Chair: John Boyland Room: Antigone1 |
Analyzing JavaScript and the Web with WALA. Julian Dolby, Max Schaefer and Manu Sridharan |
15:45-16:15 | Break | ||
16:15-17:45 | Session 3: Language design Chair: Jan Vitek Room: Antigone1 |
Thursday, July 4 | |||
8:30-9:00 | Registration | ||
9:00-10:15 | DN Prize Keynote: Matthew Parkinson, Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK Room: Einstein |
10:15-10:45 | Break | ||
10:45-12:45 | Session 4: Concurrency, parallelism, and distribution Chair: Adam Welc Room: Einstein |
R: A language for Analyzing Data. |
12:45-14:15 | Lunch Break | ||
14:15-15:45 | Session 5: Analysis and Verification 1 Chair: Sophia Drossopoulou Room: Antigone1 |
Reusable and Evolvable DSLs in Neverlang. Walter Cazzola and Edoardo Vacchi |
15:45-16:15 | Break | ||
16:15-17:45 | Session 6: Analysis and Verification 2 Chair: Davide Ancona Room: Antigone1 |
From PCs to tablets: Programming the Diffuse Web. Manuel Serrano |
Friday, July 5 | |||
8:30-9:00 | Registration | ||
9:00-10:15 | DN Prize Keynote: Oscar Nierstrasz, University of Bern, Switzerland Room: Einstein |
10:15-10:45 | Break | ||
10:45-12:45 | Session 7: Modelling and Refactoring Chair: Laurence Tratt Room: Einstein |
High-Performance DSLs using Scala, LMS and Delite. Tiark Rompf and Arvind Sujeeth |
12:45-14:15 | Lunch Break | ||
14:15-15:45 | Session 8: Testing, Profiling, and Empirical Studies Chair: Jan Vitek Room: Einstein |
The Smart Programming Assistant. Francesco Logozzo |
15:45-16:15 | Break | ||
16:15-17:45 | Session 9: Implementation Chair: Theo D'Hondt Room: Einstein |
Best Paper Award,
Validated Artifact,
Distinguished Artifact Award
Satellite Events Programme is available here.
Detailed Programme of Sessions:
Session 1: Aspects, Components, and Modularity
Chair: Erik Ernst
CoCo: Sound and Adaptive Replacement of Java Collections.
Guoqing Xu, University of California, Irvine
Feature-Oriented Programming with Object Algebra.
Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira, National University of Singapore
Tijs Van Der Storm, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI)
Alex Loh and William R. Cook, University of Texas, Austin
Composition and Reuse with Compiled Domain-Specific Languages.
Arvind Sujeeth1, Tiark Rompf2,3, Kevin Brown1, HyoukJoong Lee1, Hassan Chafi1,3, Victoria Popic1, Michael Wu1, Aleksander Prokopec2, Vojin Jovanovic2, Martin Odersky2, Kunle Olukotun1
1Stanford University, 2EPFL, 3Oracle Labs
Session 2: Types
Chair: John Boyland
Combining Form and Function: Static Types for JQuery Programs.
Benjamin S Lerner, Liam Elberty, Jincheng Li, Shriram Krishnamurthi
Brown University
Heap Decomposition Inference with Linear Programming.
Haitao Steve Zhu, Yu David Liu, SUNY Binghamton
A Formal Semantics for Isorecursive and Equirecursive State Abstractions.
Alexander J. Summers, ETH Zurich
Sophia Drossopoulou, Imperial College London
Session 3: Language design
Chair: Jan Vitek
Trustworthy Proxies: Virtualizing Objects with Invariants.
Tom Van Cutsem, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Mark S. Miller, Google Research
JavaUI: Effects for Controlling UI Object Access.
Colin S. Gordon, Werner Dietl, Michael D. Ernst, Dan Grossman
University of Washington
The Billion-Dollar Fix: Safe Modular Circular Initialisation with Placeholders and Placeholder Types.
Marco Servetto, Julian Mackay, Alex Potanin, James Noble
Victoria University of Wellington
Session 4: Concurrency, parallelism, and distribution
Chair: Adam Welc
Implementing Federated Object Systems.
Tobias Freudenreich1, Patrick Eugster2, Sebastian Frischbier1, Stefan Appel1, Alejandro Buchmann1
1TU Darmstadt, 2Purdue University
RedCard: Redundant Check Elimination for Dynamic Race Detectors.
Cormac Flanagan, University of California, Santa Cruz
Stephen N. Freund, Williams College
Ownership-based Isolation for Concurrent Actors on Multi-Core Machines.
Olivier Gruber, Fabienne Boyer
University of Grenoble
Why Do Scala Developers Mix the Actor Model with Other Concurrency Models?
Samira Tasharofi, Peter Dinges, Ralph Johnson
University of Illinois at Urbana--Champaign
Session 5: Analysis and Verification 1
Chair: Sophia Drossopoulou
Joins: A Case Study in Modular Specification of a Concurrent Reentrant Higher-order Library.
Kasper Svendsen, Lars Birkedal, IT University of Copenhagen
Matthew Parkinson, Microsoft Research Cambridge
Enabling Modularity and Re-use in Dynamic Program Analysis Tools for the Java Virtual Machine.
Danilo Ansaloni1, Stephen Kell1, Yudi Zheng1, Lubomir Bulej2, Walter Binder1, Petr Tuma2
1University of Lugano, 2Charles University, Prague
Averroes: Whole-Program Analysis without the Whole Program.
Karim Ali, Ondrej Lhoták
University of Waterloo
Session 6: Analysis and Verification 2
Chair: Davide Ancona
QUIC Graphs: Relational Invariant Generation for Containers.
Arlen Cox, Bor-Yuh Evan Chang, Sriram Sankaranarayanan
University of Colorado Boulder
Reducing Lookups for Invariant Checking.
Jakob G. Thomsen1, Christian Clausen1, Kristoffer J. Anders1, John Danaher2, Erik Ernst1
1Aarhus University, 2Google Inc.
Verification Condition Generation for Permission Logics with Abstract Predicates
and Abstraction Functions.
Stefan Heule, Ioannis T. Kassios, Peter Müller, Alexander J. Summers
ETH Zurich
Session 7: Modelling and Refactoring
Chair: Roland Ducournau
Really Automatic Scalable Object-Oriented Reengineering.
Marco Trudel, Carlo A. Furia, Martin Nordio, Bertrand Meyer
Chair of Software Engineering, ETH Zurich
Detecting Refactored Clones.
Mati Shomrat, Tel Aviv University
Yishai A. Feldman, IBM Research - Haifa
A Comparative Study of Manual and Automated Refactorings.
Stas Negara, Nicholas Chen, Mohsen Vakilian, Ralph E. Johnson, Danny Dig
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
A Compositional Paradigm of Automating Refactorings.
Mohsen Vakilian, Nicholas Chen, Roshanak Zilouchian Moghaddam, Stas Negara, Ralph E. Johnson
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Session 8: Testing, Profiling, and Empirical Studies
Chair: Jan Vitek
What Programmers do with Inheritance in Java?
Ewan Tempero, Hong Yul Yang, The University of Auckland
James Noble, Victoria University of Wellington
Is This a Bug or an Obsolete Test?
Dan Hao1, Tian Lan1, Hongyu Zhang2, Chao Guo1, Lu Zhang1
1Institute of Software, School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University, 2Tsinghua University
Systematic Testing of Refactoring Engines on Real Software Projects.
Milos Gligoric1, Farnaz Behrang2, Yilong Li1, Jeffrey Overbey2, Munawar Hafiz2, Darko Marinov1
1University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, 2Auburn University
Session 9: Implementation
Chair: Theo D'Hondt
Simple Profile Rectifications Go A Long Way: Demystifying the Influence of Sampling Errors on Feedback Driven Program Optimizations.
Bo Wu, Mingzhou Zhou, The College of William and Mary
Xipeng Shen, The College of William and Mary and Microsoft Research
Yaoqing Gao, Raul Silvera, Graham Yiu, IBM
The Shape of Things to Run: Compiling Complex Stream Graphs to Hardware in Lime.
Joshua Auerbach, David F Bacon, Perry Cheng, Stephen J Fink, Rodric Rabbah
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
Higher-order Reactive Programming With Incremental Lists.
Ingo Maier, Martin Odersky, EPFL